Your clean, elegant home

Protected by Active Surfaces®

The home is the place where you can feel safe. This is why Active Surfaces® offer protection from viruses, bacteria, pollutants and bad odours. In fact, the photo-catalytic properties of Active Surfaces® transform ceramic slabs into eco-active materials with antibacterial and antiviral, anti-pollution, anti-odour and self-cleaning properties.

Safety for every style

The four Active Surfaces® collections exalt the properties of the brand in a designer range suited to any style. The product range and variety of colours, surface area, formats and thicknesses mean that there is an ideal eco-active surface for every project.

A solution for the whole home

The antibacterial and antiviral, anti-pollution, anti-odour and self-cleaning properties make Active Surfaces® ceramic surfaces the ideal choice for any room in the home, from the bathroom to the kitchen. Active Surfaces® technology is able to eliminate over 99% of bacteria and viruses, including Sars-Cov-2 (responsible for Covid-19), making the home a safer place for everyone.


A 100% Italian idea

The result of the Iris Ceramica Group research, in partnership with the Department of Chemistry of the University of Milan, Active Surfaces® ceramic surfaces are the all-Italian answer that not only holds great design value but also meets the need for safety and protection.

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The science of Active Surfaces®

The photo-catalytic properties of Active Surfaces® transform ceramic slabs into eco-active materials that destroy viruses, bacteria, pollutants and bad odours. The added silver also means that Active Surfaces® are effective even in the dark.

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Using Active Surfaces® is like planting trees, find out how many

building area

Number of trees in your space Trees*

*The indicated conversion is based on a purely indicative average value referred to outdoor application. Calculation not executable for indoor installation..

Lasting quality

Active Surfaces® ensure constant, lasting action that remains effective during the whole ceramic life cycle. This is made possible by the pioneering manufacturing process that has always distinguished Iris Ceramica Group.

A sustainable choice

Produced in factories with zero emissions, Active Surfaces® are 100% recyclable and, in conformity with LEED requirements, are made with over 40% of recycled materials. Various laboratory tests have demonstrated that 1 m2 of Active Surfaces® takes just 2 years to compensate the nitrogen oxide emissions required to produce it, in contrast to traditional inert construction materials.