On April 9th 2014, the European patents office granted and published patent no. EP2443076 for Active photocatalytic material and its productive process.
The European patent is given to industrial inventions or utility models following a standardised filing, examination and granting procedure.
Granting of European patents is subject to strict controls, above all regarding novelty and inventive content; the European examiner found that significant inventive activity is involved in creating a photocatalytic material which, unlike any other product available on the market, uses titanium dioxide in micrometric form rather than nanometric form. Because of their very small size, on the basis of authoritative medical and scientific publications nanoparticles are considered extremely hazardous to human health and the environment.
Created in 2009, Active has always relied on the latest scientific and technological discoveries aimed at creating a ceramic material that is not only aesthetically attractive but has the unique property of playing an active role in improving human quality of life.
Now more than ever, thanks to this prestigious patent, ACTIVE represents not only an extraordinary scientific innovation but a great success for improving quality of life for humans and the environment.
Active is also the world’s only ceramic floor and wall tile with ISO 27448- 1: 2008, ISO 27447: 2009, ISO 10678: 2010, ISO 22196: 2011, ISO 22197- 1:2016, UNI: 11484: 2013, 11021:2002, 9805/91 and UNI EN 15457:20149 certification.